Sunday, August 31, 2008

RNC Cancelled

(In response to this:)

This was the greatest excuse in the world for McCain and the whole RNC to get away from the shot in the arm of going through the misery of trying to explain a running mate that no one knows, and trying to turn a pathetic oaf into a hero. This is not going to happen. This tells me as a liberal American that McCain is truly afraid.

There are people whom I know with life threatening illnesses on respirators who almost literally climb mountains to give a speech. It shows me as a person with a disability who has to brave the weather to get my job done. What a coward McCain is. But that goes for the whole Republican party. Any good leader understands tragedy, and natural disaster, as well as advancements in technology. Why can’t Senator McCain, and all of his delegates do everything via webcast, and still make it a fund raising event. And see how much money the Republicans could have raised, selling off their propaganda, and all that food. What happened to having a plan B?

We’ve been hearing about Gustav since Monday. I think Obama would have rose to the occasion, and had the convention in a different state. They can do votes many different ways, including a conference call. This just furthers my belief that Obama is going to be our new leader. The Republicans have sadly enough gotten a dose of their own medicine by the reaction of fear.

No way, no how, no McCain!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Omg, Gimps Gone Wild!

I have been a very big critic of not talking about people with disabilities and sex, and when reading my discussion groups, this came up, and it was not only erotic, but it was educational as well. Those gimps do it too, lol. I know this is a pretty risque topic, and keep the kids away, but we all have to understand that sexuality is a normal part of life for all of us, able or disabled, young or old, and yes, to answer your question in advance, I think this site is hot! It's really here hot here in California, anyway. My own two cents on the subject is that all teachers and medical professionals as well as others who work in the field need to understand that sex and disability has to be creative, and sometimes assistive devices, and even PCAs are necessary. To deny anyone this right is just wrong. We don't teach about birth control, abstinence, or even sex education to most special ed kids, so they always wonder, and we all know that they get that feeling one day, and I think about my friend, who I'll call Bob. Bob grew up, and would see people kissing, holding hands, hugging, and even at times, touching each other. Instead of Bob having the satisfaction of feeling this way himself, he always went without. He would always say things like, "what is it like to have a girlfriend," "does sex hurt?" It's questions like these that haunt me about the subject. We must educate, even the ones who feel uncomfortable, because it's like a shot in the arm: once you get it, it's not uncomfortable anymore. It's not porn, it's natural. And Bob went to his grave never having sex, or a relationship.


I hear ya Kimi {thumbsup}

Easy access lingerie is a great invention [smile].

There are perks to dating DA that just don't happen as smoothly with
an AB.

An example- If you're both disabled you get a lot more quality time
that dosen't happen if an AB partner has to finish chores a PCA
didn't finish {when the PCA couldn't show up, etc}.

When I was with a DA guy we never had any problems with the chore
load issue because we'd both have the same amount of time and focus
to give to each other while the chores were left until a PCA could
get to work again.

There was more understanding and being on the same page when it came
to both of us being disabled.

DA realationships are very far from 'settling' as some ignorant types
believe. Double DA can work way better than DA AB. We're the ones
who bennefit from the experience and dating DA is not scrapping the
bottom of the barrel at all or 'taking what we can find' leftover
second class quality.

Does this make me a DA Dev?

--- In, Ksmile96@... wrote:
> Eric and I did not need any where near as much help as Jen and Doug
do, but
> we did need help undressing, transferring, setting up and cleaning
up. My
> PCA would get me dressed in lingerie that I could move or take off
> before putting me in bed. Since Eric, like Jen and Doug, was
dependent on the
> vent a nurse/PCA had to be in the other room. It wasn't the only
reason, but
> that was 1 reason I usually always wore lingerie. Yeah, it sucked
that we had
> little privacy and it wasn't easy getting used to people coming in
and out of
> the bedroom when we needed something. But we had a great sex
life. It was
> actually the best sex life I ever had w/a guy, even AB guys. Yes,
there was
> less spontaneity, but in the end we had a much more active sex
life than our
> AB friends. We were also lucky to have PCA's who were comfortable
> situation. You are right Amy, it takes guts, but what do you do
when you are in
> love w/someone who happens to be severely DA also? You do what
you gotta do.
> I never thought in a million years I'd get engaged to a DA guy.
One thing
> I liked about dating Eric vs an AB guy was I believed him more
when he gave
> me compliments about being beautiful and sexy b/c his body was not
> societal norm either. He helped my self confidence and body image
> Kimi
> }i{
> Visit my myspace page and blogs: _
> ( }i{
> "We come to love not by finding a perfect person but by learning
to see an
> imperfect person perfectly" - San Keen
> In a message dated 8/24/2008 10:36:57 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> charmedcripchic@... writes:
> That's the real gist of the issue- how do you make everything work
> out when PCAs have to position you, clean you up, maybe assist
> putting on protection? Hiring PCAs for non personal tasks is
> difficult enough.
> I have some PCAs who've told me after viewing Gimps Gone Wild {in
> theory not practice} how if the need arose they'd help me because
> they care, but would still find it difficult.
> They find it difficult- heck I'd find it difficult- but that's
> me and just at this momment in my life.
> What if tomorro me and a special somebody fell crazy in love for
> other? But we couldn't do each others personal care?
> Years ago I was somewhat initiated into double disability love
> while in a serious relationship with a guy with SCI. We had to
> a PCA to transfer me, but my guy was able to take things from
> Spontenaety was not as good but anticipation and arrousal was
> happening while waiting for a PCA to show up and give me a lift.
> Planned sex happens more often than waiting for a spontaneous
> Later on I had to readjust when I had an abled bod partner. All of
> sudden foreplay gets switched from slow and steady to brace
> bridgette. {bad irish joke there}
> To each their own and I mean no disrespect to those who need a
> help in the bedroom. You got more gutts than anyone I know. My
> to you.
> --- In _independentliving@independentlind_
> ( , mvolkman@ wrote:
> >
> > This is great! It's not exploitation on their part if they are
> doing
> > it of their own free will. If anything, any exploitation in the
> sex
> > business happens when somebody pays money for it, even if it is
> > choice. But I digress. These two are having a good time and like
> > showing off. To some it may be a fetish, and there's nothing
> wrong
> > with that. To others, it's a chance to learn something. I would
> get
> > turned on watching them. Using their equipment is creative and
> > interesting, and makes for a great example of seriously in-depth
> IL
> > skills peer training. I don't think I could bring an aide into
> the
> > process, though. I would have to have a partner who has mobility.
> >
> > On Aug 24, 2008, at 9:44 22PMEDT, Amy wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > Don't Read this if you're uncomfortable with disability porn
> > >
> > > You've been warned
> > >
> > >
> > > Gimps Gone Wild is not an unknown site here. It's a website
> by
> > > and for people with disabilities to sell pictures of
> from
> > > exotic settings, elegant costumes, to full out porn.
> > >
> > > Newer stars causing some commotion on the Gimps Gone Wild site
> are a
> > > married couple named Doug and Jenn who both have SMA and use
> > > ventilators. They sell pics and films that prove beyond any
> doubt
> > > that sex is not impossible as long as you have a big enough
> > > helpful PCAs, and a hoyer lift.
> > >
> > > {Hey, even I just got educated in some alternative uses for a
> hoyer
> > > lift looking at Doug and Jenns promo proofs}
> > >
> > > Doug and Jenn are breaking new ground at Gimps Gone Wild but
> > > they exploiting themselves? Or just participating in the syber
> > > adult film culture like any other adult is free to take part
> > >
> > > Doug and Jenn put that whole late 1980s Playboy centerfold
> > > spinal cord injuries contraversy into old fashioned qaintville.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Link to Doug and Jenns page at the Gimps Gone Wild website:

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Clinton speech on Obama..

DENVER — Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama agreed Monday to limit a divisive roll call for president, giving delegates a brief but historic choice between a black man and white woman.

The deal would allow some states to cast votes for both Obama and Clinton before ending the roll call in acclamation for the Illinois senator. Clinton herself may cut off the vote and recommend unanimous nomination of Obama, according to Democratic officials involved in the negotiations. They discussed the deal on condition of anonymity while details were being finalized.

Some Clinton delegates said they were not interested in a compromise, raising the prospect of floor demonstrations that would underscore the split between Obama and Clinton Democrats.

"I don't care what she says," said Mary Boergers, a Maryland delegate who wants to cast a vote for Clinton.

As part of the deal, Obama and Clinton activists teamed up and circulated three petitions on the convention floor Monday night _ supporting Clinton, Obama and vice presidential candidate Joe Biden. Each needed 300 signatures to be nominated.

The dealmaking indicates the divided nature of the party: Obama does not have full control over a convention that includes many delegates who are enthusiastic Clinton supporters. But both senators have an incentive to help make peace between their opposing sides _ Obama so he'll have their backing in November and Clinton so she'll be well positioned for a future run.

Clinton herself said she wouldn't tell her backers how to vote, but she told them she would cast her own vote for Obama. "We were not all on the same side as Democrats, but we are now," she said.

Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, the eldest child of the late Robert F. Kennedy and a former lieutenant governor of Maryland, said the animosity that some Clinton delegates feel toward Obama "is getting worse."

The R word

Appearing in the LA Times late last week... (,0,4571473.story?track=ntothtml)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Passing through Santa Cruz.

I touched Santa Cruz on Friday pm then on Saturday we went to the boardwalk,and played lots of games.

We ate like soldiers, and we fished and fished...
We caught little fish and enjoyed the boardwalk...
And it was nice to be in such a friendly place.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Peter Paul and Mary - DOn't Laugh At Me

Peter Paul and Mary - Don't Laugh At Me

I'm a little boy with glasses, the one they call a geek

A littl girl who never smiles cuz I got braces on my teeth
And I know how it feels to cry myself to sleep
I'm that kid on every playground who is always chosen last
A single teenage mother tryin to overcome her past
You don't have to be my friend if it's too much to ask

Don't laugh at me, don't call me names
Don't get your pleasure from my pain
In God's eyes we're all the same some day we'll all have perfect wings
Don't laugh at me

I'm a cripple on the corner
You pass me on the street
I wouldn't be out here begging if I had enough to eat
And don't think I dont notice that our eyes never meet
I lost my wife and little boy someone crossed that yellow line
The day we layed 'em in the ground was the day I lost my mind
Right now I'm down to holdin' this little cardboard sign

I'm fat, I'm thin
I'm short, I'm tall
I'm deaf, I'm blind
Hey aren't we all


Came Across These Lyrics

Tracy Chapman - Subcity

People say it doesnt exist

cause no one would like to admit
That there is a city underground
Where people live everyday
Off the waste and decay
Off the discards of their fellow man
Here in subcity life is hard
We cant receive any government relief
Id like to please give mr president my honest regards
For disregarding me

They say theres too much crime in these city streets
My sentiments exactly
Government and big business hold the purse strings
When I worked I worked in the factories
Im at the mercy of the world
I guess Im lucky to be alive

They say weve fallen through the cracks
They say the system works
But we wont let it
I guess they never stop to think
We might not just want handouts
But a way to make an honest living
Living this aint living

What did I do deserve this
Had my trust in god
Worked everyday of my life
Thought I had some guarantees
Thats what I thought
At least thats what I thought

Last night I had another restless sleep
Wondering what tomorrow might bring
Last night I dreamed
A cold blue light was shining down on me
I screamed myself awake
Thought I must be dying
Thought I must be dying

After hearing this song today, I miss staring up at those trees that are thousands of years old. I miss the silence, and the rustle of nature. I miss the intense feeling of awe when I look at the waterfall, and wondering how something so big compares to us humans. I wonder how long we can preserve the valley of Yosemite, and how many more times I will get to visit. It is so awesome, and so humbling at the same time. The animals, the air, the heat during the day, and the cool air at night, the drifting away from convoluted city life, and the worries of coming back to this harsh reality of our existence, and the fight for the almighty dollar. Yep. I need a vacation. The song above is pretty right on with the way the general population exists, and we need to be aware that they don't get to see those big old redwood trees, and the rocks sculpted by water. There's nothing like looking over and seeing a seven color bird with a wingspan of probably 2 feet-and no I haven't forgotten about the mosquito bites-but I'll risk it. A lot of people focus on the fire in the valley, but with fire comes incredible rebirth of plants, trees, and nature. It is a natural occurrence that fire destroys, and then nature comes back twice as strong...good night valley.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

IHSS and the California Budget

These people deserve a very high wage. People with all sorts of disabilities require all sorts of assistance, and people on IHSS always seem to pay really low. In 1994 the wage for an IHSS worker was $7/hr, and I, and many other people, have fought very hard to get it to $10.50/hr. This includes many trips to Sacramento to be with legislators. We have sat through hours, and hours of rallies, and it's come back to this.

(Found on the Bay Area Special Needs Yahoo Group:)

I just wanted to share what is written in the most recent SEIU newsletter with regards to proposed budget cuts:

Return to minimum wage: decrease from 11.50 per hour to 8.00, a significant difference in pay.

Loss of hours: domestic-related services would be eliminated for functional index 1-3 (preparing food, feeding, cleaning, shopping) This could mean up to 20% reductions for consumers.

Changes to functional index scores: These determine level of need: a Functional Index Score of 1 means "can perform task independently" and a score of 5 means "cannot function without assistance". The proposal is to eliminate those with an average 1-3 score.

There are rallies coming up and we as parents to the consumers can have a strong voice in this area. It should not be surprising to most of us that the majority of support workers are underemployed, less educated, often of immigrant worker status and may not have the same privileges that many of us enjoy, so their need for a voice is very important and we can fulfill that role. While the workers have union representation through SEIU, they may not be aware of their rights.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Discussion of the day..

DDS needs to learn how to grow with people who have high intellects and answer many questions
including post college services. This does not begin to cover the issues of housing, debt management, marriage counseling well as peer support. The answer is life brokers who are third party and have good relationship with clients. There should be life positions that changed only at,
client's request.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Berkeley and LSD

LSD and Berkeley seem to go hand in hand. I do not think LSD is necessarily a bad thing, or a good thing, but an experience that is what it is for those who choose to indulge. Like most other things, if you do not do it in moderation, it will rot your brain, and affect your longterm memory, and really screw up your mind. I know of a fight (a duel, perhaps) about ten years ago. Two potheads got into a fight, and one was on LSD. Ten years later, one of the people did not remember anything about the incident, and then one day, all of a sudden, right here in Berkeley, came up to his forgotten enemy and it all came whooshing back. I don't know, I don't judge crazy Berkeley, it saddens me, though that two grown men cannot come to peace, and let bygones be bygones. I remember I was at a protest once, and someone yelled, "peace, love, and LSD," but a lot of the other protesters were saying, "hey, don't talk like that, it's illegal!"

Well, I think that's the problem with this country: people don't talk it out. They don't look each other in the eye. They don't talk shit to each other, and then they don't have the ability to rise above their egos, and admit when people are wrong, and in the end, there's no peaceful closure. This is a hard world to live in, a hard time, and one hell of a society. It saddens me that I rarely see people come to terms with each other. If people got a long more, and forgave each other, I think they'd have much better trips.

That fight that I spoke of, happens every day. Even in Berkeley, where we are so liberal, and yet...people who call themselves men, really act like big kids. Maybe it's part of their trip. Maybe it's part of reality. Maybe it's the monitor melting into the desk, or seeing M&Ms when you look at yourself in the mirror, or hearing the radio through the microwave. Maybe Jimi Hendrix really is on the fence over there, and then maybe my CP gets better on this trip, but the bottom line is, folks, we're all on this trip together, and the journey would be a hell of a lot more fun if we could all put aside our differences, and just get along. Just imagine how easy it would be to come down from a high if everyone had the same vision...I can't save the world, and I can't tell people what to do, but I think that when you can come to terms with differences, it shows who the real men are, and it shows that as a group, even if it's a small group of people, we can change the world together. Also, if people choose to live in the park (People's Park), they should all respect each other. It's a historic place in Berkeley, and should be treated as such.