Friday, May 30, 2008

Friends and Business Don't Mix

Well, I never thought it would happen to me, but one of my clients bailed on me within three days of her arrival. I have a friend who is also a client, and they bailed on me three days before they were supposed to arrive and now they are hiding from me. I want to talk to them and know why they did what they did, and what they did. I worry that they won't know what they're getting into until it's too late. I hope they are still my friend, and if not, wtf? I am really concerned because they haven't contacted me, and their parents have. This hurts me, because we have been friends for a long time and even though they don't want to do business with me anymore, I still want to be their friend, but they hide from me, so what can I do?

Today, again, I tried to contact my friend, and she is still hiding from me. I didn't know what to expect, that our business relationship would ruin our friendship as well. This hurts me more than anything else. I like my friends, and I don't pass judgment on what they do, or the things that they choose. It's up to them. But this one hurts a lot, because we have been talking every day since February of '06, and our friendship means a lot to me. Maybe time will heal this, but I know that nothing material will ever replace our friendship. This makes me sad, and kind of lonely. I wonder if my friend is safe, and what is going on. I guess the only thing I can do is wait.

Save one for me,


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Lunatics

People come into our lives, and we don't realize how crazy they are! One fine day a lunatic showed up at my door and I gave him a job helping me roll over at night. It wasn't too long before my little Yorkshire Terrier would be up for hours while this man would talk.

Over the years I grew to understand this man who used the "n word," not because of the meaning of the word, but because of the shock value it contained. The man contained vulgarity and shock and a whole lot of cussing, but underneath the shell of the man was the ego that knew everything and the man people would see as an outcast who sat in bars for hours and drank whiskey straight. Who bet at the dog track, not to win money, but just to tell everyone how right he was. He had trouble dealing with the years of abuse as a child, and the inability to be touched. I think I have known this friend for quite some time, and I consider him a brother. He lost a brother to AIDS, who he still talks to. I think that people deserve to be looked at under their shell, where you can find out who people really are as people. We don't do this enough as a society. We must do more to ensure that everyone gets a fair, equal life full of passion and love. We must also not let the man drive us crazy, and yes, I have been driven to that point, but like he rolls me over, and I hang in there, and not because I want to, but because I feel compelled. I know there are others who bother the man who gets in the way of his thoughts and feelings. Yes, folks, he hates cell phones and computers, he cusses at the bureaucrats, and he tells it like it is, even when you don't want to hear it. Well, I have to come up with 10,000 dollars, and the driver to drive me to LA in the coming weeks. The man won't go with me; he is too torn up inside, but he will fill my ears when I get back of all the apartment cleaning he did while I was gone (his own apartment). If you have the opportunity, I ask that you think about my grandma for a minute: she has brain cancer, and this is her final journey. She is at home and comfortable.

Monday, May 26, 2008

The Blind Man Who Got Arrested

As I read the news today, I read about a man who was blind in one eye. Used a cane to walk and balance. The police were called and said that he was waving his cane at traffic in a quote, "threatening way." The officer did not realize how blind he was and did not and must not have identified himself. The man said he was on his way home to use the bathroom and did not stop when the officer told him to. Is that fair? If you were blind would you stop with a stranger's voice? I have several friends who are blind and they live in the city's downtown districts. They are told never to stop for anyone because they could be robbed or hurt. The police officer tazed and maced twice the suspect who was unarmed and the same officer threw his cane into a neighboring yard. How unfair. How unjust.

The charges were dropped and AI is looking into police brutality. This happens whenever pepper spray is used.