Sunday, August 31, 2008

RNC Cancelled

(In response to this:)

This was the greatest excuse in the world for McCain and the whole RNC to get away from the shot in the arm of going through the misery of trying to explain a running mate that no one knows, and trying to turn a pathetic oaf into a hero. This is not going to happen. This tells me as a liberal American that McCain is truly afraid.

There are people whom I know with life threatening illnesses on respirators who almost literally climb mountains to give a speech. It shows me as a person with a disability who has to brave the weather to get my job done. What a coward McCain is. But that goes for the whole Republican party. Any good leader understands tragedy, and natural disaster, as well as advancements in technology. Why can’t Senator McCain, and all of his delegates do everything via webcast, and still make it a fund raising event. And see how much money the Republicans could have raised, selling off their propaganda, and all that food. What happened to having a plan B?

We’ve been hearing about Gustav since Monday. I think Obama would have rose to the occasion, and had the convention in a different state. They can do votes many different ways, including a conference call. This just furthers my belief that Obama is going to be our new leader. The Republicans have sadly enough gotten a dose of their own medicine by the reaction of fear.

No way, no how, no McCain!

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