Monday, September 1, 2008

CP and Depression

Today I visit the topic of depression and CP. It happens at all ages, and in all cultures. Depression in itself is a feeling of hopelessness, loss, and despair. It can only be compounded with CP, and the way our culture, and the world runs. We all have to get educated, get jobs, find housing, have relationships with people, have our self interests met, and so much more. Just CP on top of every day life can be very frustrating. Some folks with CP have trouble with communication, which can lead to a build up of frustration, tantrums, feeling withdrawl, and not wanting to participate in the choices of life. But instead, in some cases, we (those with CP) would use an attendant, or helper to make the real world into a fantasy game. For example, I have a friend who wanted to find a job. He told his helper that he was to find jobs on the internet, and send them my friend's resume, and then call the job back for follow up. This removed my friend from actually doing the job at hand, and instead, sadly to say, watched someone else apply for jobs, and go through the whole process, and they didn't care. The time was wasted because my friend was taken out of the process voluntarily, after they were rejected time and time again. Imagine not being able to talk, and having to drive a wheelchair. Imagine the indignities of fighting with the equal playing field and the competitive edge. All of this needs to be done by the person in whatever goal they choose, they will not feel as bad, or different because they are doing it. Do you ever watch a movie, and think to yourself, "How easy is this?" Then you go to do it, and it's really hard. I think a good way to deal with depression and CP is to be engaged, and find meaningful things to do. Create a priority list, and get through at least one priority a day. Talk to any friends and relatives, or loved ones regularly, and don't forget your pets! Live life, and be grateful. Get involved in groups, and say "Nothing about us without us!" Stay informed with what's going on, it may lead to a job, or a future housing opportunity. Never doubt yourself, and always try and make independant, informed decisions about one's life. Try always to talk about stuff that's on your mind, and if need be, seek mental health, counseling, or talk to someone who has similar issues, or problems that might be able to shed some light on what one is going through. On a personal note, I like to write letters and emails. I think they help get my point across, and allow me to get the whole thing out, and be understood. I think on the other side, it allows for reflection, and two cents.

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