Thursday, July 10, 2008

DD and MH Taking Hits From Other Folks

(This is a post from Maggie Dee from the Berkeley Disabled list. Below it is my response.)

It is *very* troubling this singling out two parts of a very large cross
disabilities group...and meeting by meeting it is getting clearer and
clearer that there will be only two groups who are going to be served by
Olmstead!...and spending an entire meeting on this.

The so-called existing "allowance" is wholly inadequate! What is it now
$209? THAT is an insult to human beings! This amount of money might pay for
food if one is careful! I wonder how many people can live on a flat $50 a
week for food. I know I do but I cut EVERY corner possible and skip a meal
a day to do it.

Rents in the S.F. Bay Area **start** at $800 for a studio (S.F.) in the
*bad part of town* and most of those are not "accessible". $600!? What
about PG&E, water, garbage, telephone...not to mention food, clothing etc.
The SSI does not cover what is to make this possible we must
cut what? IHSS ancillaries? and other horrible cuts to give still MORE
money to folks with DD and MH issues!? What a gravy train they are
on!...Even they are demanding that "THEIR" programs not be cut!

So what it boils down to is a HORRIBLE US v Them! Nope, I will not play
that game! Any of us who are disabled regardless of how we are disabled
need basic human needs, we need our civil rights in canNOT feel
that one's civil rights are in tact when groups are fighting one another
for pots of money.

THEN, of all things, the "Boomers" are coming! Staggering numbers of people
will be knocking on program doors and we canNOT serve those already in the

Our people are sleeping in alleys, on top of vents in the street where
stinky heat comes to the street surface. People fight for these places.
Last year a partial quad was found with her feet and hands frozen! She was
not DD or not a person with MH...that is until she could not find housing
for 3.5 years! She crashed and burned. She lost both hands and a foot! God
knows if she has died by now. The poor soul was afraid to talk to anyone
when she was rolled into hospital in screaming pain!

I am going to have a *very* difficult time with this turn of events...a
WHOLE DAY on DD/MH! A WHOLE day on Us v Them! **WE** the collective "we"
can no longer be fighting for the shrinking dollar, we must pool our money,
spend it creatively not on one group or another!

Other than what the recent PAI/Laguna Honda lawsuit has been able to do,
setting so many units apart for those getting out of Laguna Honda or not
going into L.H. via the General Hospital diversion program (a one million
dollar fund!) the coalition lawsuit settlement established. I may not have
all the details but seems to me that someone was looking after at least a
few others who were not DD/MH or...maybe all folks being helped ARE DD/MH
diagnosis. Of course LH is one of the largest nursing homes in the nation;
the staff are paid incredibly huge sums of money to work there. The "new"
SEIU international prez wants to totally disrupt the way unions used to
work. Of course the union in S.F. has had something to say about this--but
just a matter of time before S.F. loses their ability to skirt the will of
the many.

So, as I understand it, there is no discussion of the state/federal money
that is dealing with all housing. This is like a few years ago when all
funding except one million dollars was to go into "senior housing". The
"other"/all other disabilities except folks with DD/MH status. All "other"
got a whole one million dollars for the entire **nation**!

Why are we setting up MORE silos! The DD community has been getting so much
money over the years and little remains. People on SSI who are not blind
deeply resent those on SSI who are "blind" and get so much more money! This
fighting among ourselves is so divisive!

I understand the funding streams are many and none available to "other
disabilities". Isn't it time that the "other disabilities"/cross
disabilities get some of the money. We have people on waiting lists for 7
to 10 years! Not folks who in the status of DD or MH...but the "other".

Gosh...a whole day! on DD and mental health!? And now there is a
clue/possible legislation that will make this all happen with the state's
unused land! I sat in on the Senate Floor a month or so ago and listened to
the Republicans and the Democrats debating what to do with this land...and
here it is, the land will be used for a few in our community!? I was
stunned to learn this as what I heard on the floor of the Senate would not
lead anyone to think that this land, or parts of it was an easily settled
matter! There was a huge distance between the Party lines! An now, it is
suggested that there will be 3 potential hospitals that will be used as a
"pilot" if legislation goes through...guess who for? Folks who already have
LOTS of money flowing into their various services! How demeaning to all of
us in the community...and to those of you who have to deal with all of this
awful mess!

I have heard that some states gives everyone a set amount of money and each
person has the right to choose the services that they specifically
need/want. While there is a tiny reserve for emergencies and only very
little--perhaps not enough to go around to very many people, sorta first
come/first serve. Does anyone have any "Best Practices" on this concept?

WOW! I have thrown so much your way. I have a hunch that his will be one
very LONG meeting with many feelings running high! Later...whew! Maggie



People with DD and MH issues need these services and support just as much as people on IHSS. Your comment is hurtful and really intolerant.We can't help what our needs our and funding should be equal. Did you know in the DD world, Providers have not have a rate increase in over three years. Case manger's have case loads of over 80 clients a year and autism is coming in to the regional centers at 12 case per week. Clients in the DD community do not get access because of issue around behavior and other issue related to their condition. The DD community fights really hard on employment. We fight for advocacy and transportation, and are big supporters of bills that empower people with disabilities. It costs a lot of money for 24/7 care, speech therapy, PT/OT, meds, assistive technology, independent living, and day programs...we don't ask for what we get in life, and I think it is really unfair of you to be so biased. "Live on a gravy train?" Are you nuts? What about all the people that have MR, or autism? Shouldn't we all have the right to function in our society? I am really confused with you, Maggie. I thought you were for all disability rights: physical, DD, MH-aren't we all fighting for the same thing? Your words below are intolerable, and I expect a full apology, and some understanding of the DD and MH community before you are so quick to criticize. Was it Ed Roberts who said that everyone has a role in the disability rights movement? I am very disappointed. I look forward to your response.

"...other horrible cuts to give still MORE
money to folks with DD and MH issues!? What a gravy train they are
on!...Even they are demanding that "THEIR" programs not be cut!"


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